Our straightforward response to Brexit

A central pillar of the Penstripe brand promise to our customers is that we’re ‘straightforward’.

We avoid jargon. And nonsense. And complications. Full stop.

As a business with roots firmly in Yorkshire soil, this may not come as a surprise.

When it comes to Brexit, it could be suggested the future scenario is anything other than straightforward.

Since the start of the Autumn term, we have encountered a number of schools who are concerned about the solidity of their supply chain in a post-Brexit Britain.

Whilst we can understand these concerns, I would like to take this opportunity to reassure our current and future customers that there will be no drop in the quality of our student planner product or service in these uncertain times.

Where a business could fall down is through an over-reliance on raw materials from outside British shores. We have worked with our suppliers and are happy to confirm there will be no reduction in the quality or availability of paper or wire, the two core ingredients of our planners.

If your current Student Planner supplier is causing doubt with a less than a straightforward response to your Brexit concerns, then email info@penstripe.co.uk and our team will be happy to help.

Darren Anderson

Managing Director, Penstripe

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