How to use a Student Planner

Student planners are not only a handy way to help students keep on top of their homework and due dates, they are a great way to help children to develop their organizational skills, project management skills, and time management skills too.

Here are some tips and tricks your students could use to make the most out of their student planner to achieve academic success and to help take the stress out of student life.

Homework planning

A student planner helps students to keep track of any homework they have been assigned. They could write down the date homework is due as well as write in weekly reminders until the due date. This would be a handy way to manage workloads and to ensure a homework deadline doesn’t get missed.

Helpful tip: Once a piece of homework is done, score a big line through it! Being able to physically see what assignments are done will be a handy way for students to keep track of what is done. It’s pretty satisfying too!

Fill in important dates and deadlines

At the start of a school term, you could ask your students to write in any important dates or deadlines, so they have an idea of what is coming up in the near future. This could be important upcoming tests, coursework due dates, extracurricular activities, or of course, those all-important holiday breaks!

Weekly planning

Not only are student planners helpful for homework planning, they are also a helpful tool to help children put together a weekly plan. They could add in any reminders or to do notes to ensure they don’t have any unwanted surprises crop up on a Friday afternoon!

Colour code

Colour coding is a handy way for students to visually keep on top of their workload. They could colour code their notes by subject, by importance, or by assignment. Colour coding is specific to each student, so they should use whatever system works best for them.

Helpful reference sections

Our student planners come with handy reference sections that include various learning topics such as maths, literacy, science and geography. Your students can refer to these handy sections whenever needed to help them with their learning.

The reference sections cover Ks1, KS2, KS3 and KS4 teaching criteria, so would be perfect for both primary school and secondary school students.

Make them unique

Penstripe makes it easy to design student planners to suit your students needs. You can use our unique online design tool to create designs that fit with your school and gives you the option to add in any information you like. This could be school mottos, classroom names or motivational messages.

What other Penstripe products could I use?

We hope these tips have helped to make a good planner, great! If you are looking for a similar academic planner to use in your classroom, check out these pocket planners or these homework planners.

There are also plenty of teaching planners to help you plan the year ahead. We’re sure you’ll find the right planner for you. Check out this other handy blog on how to use a teaching planner for some other tips and tricks.